#18 Herbie *Graphic Context. Not for the faint of heart*

Oh Herbie.
Some of our most humorous fostering moments came from dear Herbie.
Herbie is affectionately known as Mr. Bloody Balls.
Yup, I really did mean NOT FOR THE FAINT OF HEART!

So Jay and I were sitting at home round about 8:30 on a lovely Saturday night in early September. We were watching TV when the phone rang. It was our fearless leader, Jean Harrison, asking if we were available to run to Boston to pick up an emergency foster. Sure. Why not. So Jay hopped in my truck, aka The Puppy Mobile, and headed into Boston to pick up Herbie. Jean had mentioned that Herbie was growling at and attacking his own tail and had scared his foster Mom.

Jay came home a couple hours later with a huge, shaved down Great Pyrenees curled up in a tiny ball in the front seat of my Yukon. The poor boy just wanted to be with Jay. We immediately crated Herbie to observe his behavior and keep him isolated from the other dogs until morning when we could do proper introductions. At this point we had just Pippa and Coco. 

Herbie was a big lunk who loved being with his people. We occasionally saw him ramp up and become aggitated and start attacking his tail. This behavior was quite random and very odd to say the least. 

The day after we picked Herbie up we noticed that his scrotum was swollen and very red. I reached out to Amanda, the woman who helps with vetting at BFDR, to get permission to have him seen by my vet. The email I got back just asked "Will he let you touch his balls?" Yeah, that one made me blush and laugh all at once!

Herbie went to my vet where he was diagnosed with a scrotal bleedWe figured this was most likely the reason for his odd behavior.The vet put him on 2 different pain meds, told us to alternate heat and ice and to keep him as quiet as possible. He wanted Herbie crate confined except to go out to potty. 

Meanwhile, Herbie had an adopter lined up that was most impatient. She had fallen in love with Herbie's pics and write up on Big Fluffy Dog Rescue's Facebook page. Kathryn and I chatted frequently by text, email and phone calls. We kept her up to date with Herbie's medical condition and the care we were administering. Not knowing Kathryn very well we did temper much of our explanations, comments, pictures and such. Knowing Kathryn much better now we have filled her in on all the sordid details. Kathyn actually encouraged me to write Herbie's story with utmost honesty. 

Herbie was a fantastic patient in the begining. He was so dopeed up on Tramadol & Rimadyl that he was happy to rest in his crate most of the day. He gave us a hard time about taking his pills and instisted they be given in Pill Pockets. Yeah, we probably spent more in Pill Pockets than the cost of the pills! 

Herbie would lie quietly and let Jay hold the ice or heat pack on his scrotum. He never complained about having us checking his jewels at all hours of the day and night. 

Eventually the skin actually split and the pressure was relieved. The caused another issue. How do we keep him from bleeding everywhere?? Depends. Yup, generic ladies Depends from CVS saved us. We cut an X hole in the back for his tail. We had to duct tape them around his waist so they wouldn't fall off. Poor Herbie was not very thrilled about wearing lavendar depends. Poor boy, talk about about adding insult to injury.

Herbie felt much better once the pressure started going down as I'm sure you can imagine. Every night we put Sir Balls in the tub and let the cool water soothe his swelling. We joked about having a permanently pink tub by the time he was healed. This guy took it like a champ. Granted the drugs helped but I can't imagine most dogs going through the same thing after just having their whole lives turned upside down would have handled the situation so well. 

Our daughter, Kaitlyn (17) and Cassidy (15), were right there helping us with Herbie's care. They held him why he got his heat/ice treatments, assisted with baths, gave pills, walked, changed his diapers and bedding. 

One night Cassidy and I were comforting Herbie on the floor while Jay was icing his nether region. All of the sudden Herbie muled kicked Jay. Where? Yup, there! Jay is now curled up on the floor wailing and moaning while Cassidy and I are laughing hysterically. Herbie wants to know what all the fuss is so he jumps up and and sits right smack dab on Jay's face! Cassidy and I are now crying we are laughing so hard. My ribs hurt for days. 

Herbie slowly improved and he was able to enjoy short walks in the backyard. 

He loved the neighborhood kids and didn't like when they weren't there to play with him.

On our walks Herbie would stop and put his head on my belly and just stare up at me. 

As Herbie began to fell better he was able to spend more and more time out of his crate and out in the house & yard with us. 

Herbie loved meeting new people

His true colors started to emerge.

One day I walked into the living room to find Herbie standing on the back of the sofa inspecting the painting on the wall. 

Hmm.. Yes, Herbie I think you're ready to go home now.

I reached out to a very excited Kathryn and let her know her boy was healed and ready to be adopted. We made plans for Kathryn to meet us at the Durham Fair to claim her pup.

Jay, Herbie, Karen & Holland (Nanuk)
at the Durham Fair in CT.

Herbie and new Mom, Kathryn.
Herbie & Mowgli
Herbie loves his family. He still insists on chasing and terrorizing the family cats but Kathryn hopes someday he will learn to coexist peacefully with them. Herbie is a crazy pup and enjoys giving his Mom gray hairs. Last winter Herbie decide to take a midnight swim in the lake and the emergency crew had to come pull him out with the Zodiac boat! 
Herbie's 1st Christmas in his new home
Herbie loves his new brother.

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