#14 Gabby

Gabby came to us after I got a call from Cookie asking if I would be interested in fostering a Great Pyrenees. 
  Gabby was one of Jean's dogs. Jean is the renowned founder of Big Fluffy Dog Rescue. We were a little bit nervous about being responsible for one of Jean's own foster dogs. 

Gabby confiscated Coco's bed as soon as she arrived.

Gabby arrived and we all fell in love instantly! Thankfully, she was already had an approved adopter and we would just be caring for her for a few weeks until her new Mom returned from her travels. Gabby easily could have been a foster fail.

Most well behaved foster to date!

Happy girl

Gabby would jump in the truck every time you opened the
door and would not get out until she got a ride! 
BFF's Gabby & Coco

This girl is the one that paved the way
for our foster fail with Nanuk.
Gabby is by far one of our sweetest, most memorable and most missed fosters.
Gabby loves riding in the car.

Gabby was not happy with all the changes in her life. She really gave us a run for our money that first week. She refused to eat and moped on Coco's dog bed.

Gabby & Malcolm celebrated
National Treat Your Dog Day with ice cream.

Once Gabby settled in and we got her eating she really blossomed. She enjoyed visits from the neighborhood kids, napping with Bailey the cat and cuddling on the couch with my girls. 

About 6 weeks after she went to her new home Gabby and Mom Carol met us at the dog park for a play date. Coco was so excited as she had been searching for her beloved Gabby for weeks. Every Pyr she saw she would run to and sniff from nose to tail in hopes it was her best friend. Coco & Gabby are BFF's to this day and are always excited to see each other.

Gabby met up with us at the dog park for a visit
Gabby has answered a question I here so often from other fosters...

"Do you think they feel like we are abandoning them again?"

No, I think they know we are just a stepping stone on their path to a happy family and their forever home. 

Gabby enjoying her new backyard
Each and every time Gabby sees us she is excited but more than happy to go home with her Mom at the end of a visit. 

Forever in our hearts Gabby! We love you!

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